Hello, readers!

Hello, readers!

I am not currently on the road. Please check back periodically later this year as I have no idea when I'll be traveling! August? September? October? Who knows!


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I understand why Dorothy left...

Had a great day today! Jane decided to give me a day off and behaved (more or less). We headed further west from St. Louis early in the morning and cruised on 70 to get as far as we could. The speed limit there is 75mph - and I'm pleased to report that it was no problem for Jane to cruise at 80mph for hours on end with the A/C on and the engine turning 3500rpms. Mileage was pretty good under these conditions, but I still spent a lot of time at the gas station because of how far we were driving. So, I ended up with about a hundred of these pictures...

Not much to say about Kansas, but I will say that their BBQ is excellent!! We stopped at Biemer's BBQ just outside of Kansas City - GREAT food (only BBQ I've ever had that didn't need sauce) and the people were super nice! The manager wanted to hear Jane's story and in return he gave us some nice coozies. 

Aside from that, we spent a lot of time looking at wind turbines and scrubby brush. Rolling hills and/or flat land as far as the eye could see. The wind farms were interesting at first - apparently those turbines spin at a few hundred miles an hour somehow - but they got old fast. Glad we didn't have to run a 13 hour drive today like we did on Monday! 

We stopped at the Sternberg Museum to see some of Kansas's best fossils. My favorite was a 40-foot long mosasaur!

Also highly entertaining was their dinosaur simulator arcade machines. Meant for children, but I took one over for a while to learn how to survive the Cretaceous as a Triceratops (an essential life skill). 

Once that got old we headed downtown to eat at Gella's Diner, a famous restaurant in the area. I managed to wedge myself in a tiny parallel parking spot on main street - very impressed with that as I am not a seasoned or even remotely competent parallel parker, especially in a vintage Mustang with the turning radius of a large truck. I thought it would make for a cool shot though so I was determined to get her in there!

Nothing else to report really - more driving tomorrow as we head further west. Weather is supposed to be pretty crappy, unfortunately. It will be a big problem if there is too much rain, as the mountain passes outside of Colorado Springs flood badly ever since the wildfires destroyed the majority of the vegetation on the slopes. So, we'll see!

Kelly signing out again! I apologize for the jumbled and kind of terrible blog post, but I've been watching Sharknado 2 while writing this - enough said! I promise it will be better and more interesting later this week. In the meantime, here is a shot of Jane looking just as clean and lovely as she was when we left home 1300 miles ago!

Also, you may want to check out my dad's blog, which he will be updating for the parts of the trip that he is with me. He's a much more concise writer than I! Just hit this link here: http://davehmustang.blogspot.com/

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